StruXure Denver Residential Pergolas

Visit one of our Pergola Show Rooms

creative living denver

1101 N. Santa Fe Dr

Denver, Colorado 20204

Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm

Creative Living

See A StruXure Pergola From Denver Pergola

creative living denver

1101 N. Santa Fe Dr

Denver, Colorado 20204

Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm

How Can I Make Outdoor Living Spaces Kid-Friendly

How Can I Make Outdoor Living Spaces Kid-Friendly

How can you create a more kid-friendly outdoor space? Adults aren’t the only ones who can benefit from a well-outfitted backyard. Adding kid-friendly features such as fairy garden, toy kitchen set, or multifunctional outdoor “play room” are great ways to engage your...

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What is the best way to warm up an outdoor space?

What is the best way to warm up an outdoor space?

What is the best way to warm up your outdoor space when it’s cold outside? From the rustic warmth of fire pits and fireplaces to modern gas and electric patio heaters, the outdoor living experts at StruXure Denver can help you find the ideal heating solution for your...

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Planning Your Outdoor Kitchen with A Pergola

Planning Your Outdoor Kitchen with A Pergola

Are you adding an outdoor kitchen to your home? Considering key details ahead of construction, such as layout and design, utility access, shelter, countertops, flooring, appliances, and furnishings, can help you ensure project completion for enjoyment in warmer spring...

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