Moving beyond the TV towards an obsession with gaming, mobile device and smartphone technology, the human race is increasingly isolating itself from nature, and with disastrous consequences. Are you and your family at risk of the side effects of nature deficit?

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Fear & Disconnect Driving the Trend

Spine-chilling news reports and parental fear of stranger danger fuel the rise in this growing trend, robbing adults and children alike of the freedom to play outdoors. Instead of inspiring wonder and imagination, left unknown, Mother Nature and all the life she houses become a source of fear; Weather a tribulation to be endured, not savored. This loss of access stunts the imagination and deepens feelings of disconnect from nature and our neighbors.

Nature Deficit Disorder Causes Severe Health Effects

Exposure to green spaces provides more than a change of scenery. The 8-12 hours youth spend on media daily cost them sorely, with 9-million youth overweight (and rising). Half of all preschoolers are never taken outside to play. Seventy-percent of children are Vitamin D deficient (and over 40% of American adults) from lack of sunlight, resulting in growth and development issues that could be easily remedied with as little as 15-minutes in the summer sun. Denied the outlet of nature, anxiety, depression, and behavioral issues also continue to skyrocket, yet few give credence to the cause.

Time Spent Outdoors Offers Significant, Recognized Benefits

In his book ‘Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv notes the benefits of spending time outdoors – and he’s not alone:

  • The World Health Organization
    Touts the many benefits of green space, especially in urban ecosystems, noting its capacity to promote physical and mental wellbeing by encouraging both activity and relaxation, as well as opportunities for ‘off-screen’ social interaction.
  • The UK’s University of East Anglia
    Conducted studies linking exposure to green space to a reduction in type 2 diabetes, stress, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease, with those with greater levels of greenspace exposure showcasing better overall health and longevity.
  • The Harvard Health Department
    Harvard Medical School has released numerous newsletter topics and blogs on the benefits of exposure to green spaces, from its pivotal role in growth and development to promoting a more balanced mood and increased lifespan.
  • The University of Illinois
    Determined just 30-minutes of time spent in a park setting helps children with ADHD remain more focused and calm at home, and concentrate better in the classroom.
  • The National Wildlife Foundation
    Recognizes the importance of a child’s connection with nature, recommending a daily ‘Green Hour’ of activity for the whole family.

Immersion in Nature Essential for Children

Cultivating the mind, body, and soul, time outdoors offers innumerable benefits for children:

  • Studies agree those who spend time outside are smarter, happier, more confident, less anxious, and more focused than those who spend more time indoors.
  • Exposure to nature stimulates and broadens the senses, enriching the human experience.
  • Time spent in nature inspires creativity and imagination and enhances reasoning and observation.
  • ‘Nature smart’ kids are more focused, showcasing improved cognitive function and significantly higher test scores.
  • ‘Green time’ supports increased emotional and intellectual development, improving social skills and helping fight depression and anxiety.

Will Your Hour of Power be Sunlit or Backlit?

Make an investment in the physical and mental health of your family. Fight the effects of nature deficit disorder with an outdoor living space ingeniously designed to make the most of any weather. Immerse yourselves comfortably in the great outdoors, rain or shine, with the help of StruXure Denver today.

Visit one of our Pergola Show Rooms

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1101 N. Santa Fe Dr

Denver, Colorado 20204

Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pm

Creative Living

See A StruXure Pergola From Denver Pergola

inside outside spaces denver

950 Simms St,

Lakewood, Colorado 80401

Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-5pm

Saturday & Sunday 9am-5pm

Indoor Outdoor Spaces

Stop by and see a StruXure Pergola in person!